Business Partnerships & Involvement
Through the years, Gateway Institute’s success has come from building partnerships with businesses and other organizations. We are expanding our partnership with organizaitons so that we increase our lease of knowledge, expertise, and resources available to do better services and reach an greater audiance. Gateway Institute partnered with several organizations that include:
1. We also offer business consulting services to number of small businesses own by women and minority groups in the Twin Cities metropolitan areas, Minnesota, U.S. 2012-Present.
2. Greater Minneapolis Community Connections (GMCC) to deliver financial literacy & management training for low-income and immigrant communities in Twin Cities, Minnesota, U.S., 2020.
3. Initiative Foundation for entrepreneurship training with the emphasis of business plan writing and computer literacy training to East African immigrants in St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S., from 2016 to 2019
4. Interpeace for democratization with the emphasis of civic engagement and voting registration, in Puntland State of Somalia in 2013.
5. Gateway Institute partnered with Diakonia Somalia for protecting environtment with the emphasis of rasing awareness on charcoal fueling deforesstation and droupht in Puntland State of Somalia in 2013.
6. ADC Telecommunication for computer literacy training in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S., in 2012.