Entrepreneurship: Start a business, grow your business, finance your business 


Starting a business means making firm and difficult decisions; however, our clients don’t have to do it alone. Our entrepreneurship training is culturally appropriate business training which brought the resources they need to get their business started and thrive. Whether they’re sitting down to write their business plan, wondering about legal obligations, finding a market niche, or researching their financing options, they’ll see the information they need right here.


So are you ready to be an entrepreneur?  Our business counselors provide personal advice, feedback, and information to help our clients: 

• Assess, confirm, and enhance your current plans 
 Discover & evaluate new opportunities, and 
• Acquire new ideas (creativity)

 Business Plan Writing Course Goals:


Session 1:    Entrepreneurship: What does it means to you? 

Session 2:    Executive Summary

Session 3:    Product and Services 

Session 4:    Management and Organization

Session 5:    Technology in Business

Session 6:    Industry and Market Analysis 

Session 7:    Marketing Plan

Session 8:    Financial Plan I 

Session 9:    Financial Plan II

Session 10: Graduation 



Consultation with trainers: One-on-One

During the 4 weeks of one-on-one consultation with the trainers, new entrepreneurs will learn some of the basic rules of business that haven't gone away with the digital age advance. 

1. Monitoring and Evaluation skills

2. Time Management and organization

3. Goal Setting 

4. Delegation

5. Public Speaking and Presentation

6. Relationship Building

7. Passion and Determination 

8. Entrepreneurship Innovation Skills 

9. Desire to Learn

10. Flexibility and Adoptability 

11. Business Communication 

12. Customer Focus

13. Social Technology - Facebook, Linkedln, and Twitter

Gateway Institute for Research and Development
6400 Barrie Rd #904
Edina, MN 55435
Fax: 952-929-0981
Cel: 612-242-0917










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